Once Rysiu Riedel, deceased leader of Dżem band sang:
“In life only moments ary beautiful…”
That’s true but those moments are worth living, worth creating.
When I was preparing this styling
I heard Rysiek’s voice from faraway 🙂
And I know that accessories I chose
have really rocky character 🙂
Fascinator is made of sinamay
in form of small toque.
It looks great in this outfit 🙂
I wanted my rock styling
to stand out with something unexpected
that is, this head decoration 🙂
The fascinator comes from the collection
of the designer Ewcia Okularczyk
and her YOKO Design brand 🙂
I invite you not only to Ewa’s site
but also to her atelier 🙂
You can try head decorations there
you can talk to the designer
and choose something for you 🙂
It’s really worth trying 😀
Open work earrings in shape of crosses
are perfect for such a look 🙂
They will keep appearing at my blog 🙂
I chose a kidney purse
with large golden zipper.
It’s very comfortable
and keeps hands free.
The comfort is very important in that styling 🙂
It’s just perfect for rock concerts and festivals 😀
Of course sturdy shoes on tractor platform.
An interesting addition are small pockets at shanks.
They can be removed but I like them 🙂
What do you think my dear ones?
Is there more of those beautiful moments in your life?
Even if now you meet obstacles
it will change soon.
In life just like in nature there is balance.
Be optimistic 😀
I wish you all the best 😀
Photos made by Matylda Szafrańska 🙂
During the session I changed my clothes
and had nice time in HATTI restaurant 🙂