
Romantic accessories

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Accessories with romantic character perfectly fit the boho styling 🙂 They are like notes on a staff. They compliment each other and harmonize together 🙂 Minimalist hair band on my hair looks like a jewel 😀 Its powder pink makes contrast to the bright colors of my hair. I must add that shades of pink …

Wrapped with a cardigan

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In my outfit I am wrapping myself with a cardigan in fall style 🙂 Warm powder pink and tassels make it look boho. Nonchalantly thrown on top it gives a little vintage and a little hippie hint to the look 🙂 Hippie as the look of my youth has always remained in my heart 🙂 …

A flash on the fur

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A flash of accessories on the fur adds some mystery and emphasizes femininity. Black band with colorful crystals and a piece of veil is contrasting nicely with the color of my hair 🙂 Such unusual head decorations are made by designer Ewa Okularczyk 🙂 She is founder of the brand YOKO Design https://yokodesign-fascynatory.pl On this …