Silver flames of black fire accessories Silver flames of black fire accessories Silver flames of black fire accessories Silver flames of black fire accessories Silver flames of black fire accessories Silver flames of black fire accessories

The accessories flashed with flames and shining.
They came out of the abyss of black fire
that is the dress by Diana Sencerek 🙂

On my head appeared a fascinator
as born out of these flames,
in shades of black and white.
This unusual head decoration
was designed by Ewa Okularczyk
founder of YOKO Design 🙂

Femininity, grace, charm and
sex appeal.
All these are hidden in fascinators 🙂
Ewcia Okularczyk is a genius
of making poetry of beauty
in form of fascinators.
She puts a piece of herself
and her heart into each of them <3 🙂
The head decorations of the designer
are coherent
with what her mind wants to tell.
That’s why they strike
every woman with their charm 🙂
Also me 🙂

Circle shaped earrings
with tiny crystals
are like splinters
of the sparkles of flames 🙂
They shine with finesse 🙂

On the background of black dress
I put on my arm an elegant shiny backpack
like an illumination 🙂
It is very capacious, of nice shape.
It comes from winter collection of
NOBO brand 🙂
This brand sells purses of various design 🙂
I think they are
one of the nicest I have seen 🙂
Additional advantage for me as a vegan
is that they’re made of ecological leather
or ecological fur 🙂
It’s good to see
NOBO collection 🙂
You will find it at the sites:

I promise that you will see them again
in my outfits 🙂

What I can tell about boot
is that they resemble
a mirror of stardus 😉
You can think of that look anything
but that it’s uniform
despite the color.
The dress is artism of design 🙂
And the accessories
are full of shine.
I think they come from the fire
that exploded in me
at the moment of imagining
and creation of that styling.

Photos at magical corridors
of Hotel 500

made by Piotr Stopyra 🙂

Help with session
my friend Alla Kubitsa 🙂