A tunic with herbal pattern
is perfect for a walk in the forest 🙂
As camouflage among the green trees 😀
My styling is a bow towards
beauty and artism of the forest 🙂
I feel in it
as I were a part of forest fauna 🙂
It’s made of linen,
lightweight and breathable fabric.
It has simple form and a belt
made of the same fabric.
Perhaps you won’t be surprised
that it comes from MADAME brand collection 🙂
I think that you haven’t forgotten
my dear Ladies,
that you can get 5% off
giving MODOROTA password
when you make a purchase at MADAME website 😀
I invite you to do shopping there! 😀
The tunic can be worn as a dress.
But I showed it with black pants.
What do you think about such a pair? 🙂
I feel that you are curious, my dear ones,
what I will tell you
about accessories to that look 😉
I promise that soon I will
dedicate separate entry to them 🙂
Photos in Puszcza Zielonka
made by Piotr Stopyra 🙂
Help in session
my friend, Alla Kubitsa 🙂
I renewed the beginning
not erasing the trace of fault.
What is improvement?
Only accident?
Or giving a hand
during time of sadness and pensiveness?
I won’t remember.
It’s wrong to remember
bad things.
Or things lost
due to carelessness and apathy.
I have risen but I haven’t lost myself.
My soul cruises among the planets
known and undiscovered.
I marked my rose on one of them.
As Little Prince
I will take care about it.
It won’t sink its thorn
in the middle of my heart
and psyche.
Oh! And I found in it
something I have lost
long time ago
in the world of lies.