I am walking on a forest road as if I was walking through my life.
It is beautiful, decorated in various ways, depending on the season.
I’m walking on it and I can’t see its end though it ends somewhere
or it’s becoming another road or street.
The same is with my life.
It depends on how I would decorate it with emotions
and give them full dimensions.
How I would use every day and if I would be satisfied
with the effects of my actions when I would go to sleep.
And when the time comes that I would have to leave for ever,
what would I leave behind?
How would my nearest ones remember me?
But it will not be a total leaving.
I will look at you from somewhere in heavens
and I will remember my actions and words
and their consequence in future.
Such reflections come to me, my dear ones, after the recent death of my dearest cat Wikuś :'( <3 Let he be happy there, on The Other Side <3