That is the styling enchanted
in geometry of colors 🙂
The coat charms us with its print
and all the rectangles
fit each other’s colors.
They are framed with black lines
so we can admire them together or separately 🙂
When I’m climbing the stairs
I feel like I’m going to the top of a pyramid 😀
Maybe I will find an all-seeing eye
on the top of the hill,
similar to the one on my coat ? 😉
I am a woman that is reaching
a symbolic mountain of wisdom 🙂
The wisdom that comes with time and life experience.
I put the colorful coat upon a shirt in violet.
The shirt is very simple but it dazzles with its color.
I must add that it perfectly matches the color of my hair.
Narrow pants are also a color wonder 🙂
They perfectly fit the character
and specificity of this outfit.
The symbolic stairs to the top of the pyramid
is a little hill placed on the ground of the
Museum of Środa Region Koszuty Palace 🙂
Photos made by Matylda Szafrańska 🙂