Styling with royal lion
needs royal accessories 😀
Red flatcap deserves such name I think 🙂
It’s made of delicate ecological leather
Just perfect for fall aura.
It can energize every outfit 😀
You don’t need to be afraid to wear red 🙂
If you don’t like to begin with clothes
then choose a red accessory
such as a cap or a scarf 🙂
Please pay attention to the brooch
pinned to the jacket lapel.
It repeats the lion motif
present at the back of the garment 🙂
The color of gold and decorative gems
perfectly match the red color 😀
Gold appears also in the earrings
in shape of large crosses
with black shining crystals 🙂
Really royal decoration 😀
Ecological kidney purse
is a masterpiece made by
Łukasz Czajkowski 🙂
Look at his site 😀
You will find beautiful vegan purses there 🙂
I sincerely recommend them 😀
I will also add a few words about shoes.
Ecological leather and great design 🙂
Platform sole means stability and comfort.
I like shoes of that type
because they make me look slimmer
and I cannot wear stilettos
due to my health problems.
I hope you liked the accessories I presented 🙂
I’m greeting you cordially
and I invite you to take advantage
of my stylist’s and personal shopper’s services 🙂
Photos made by Matylda Szafrańska 🙂
Thanks to HATTI restaurant
for the possibility of spending time
at your place during the session 🙂