My dear ones 🙂
Summer is the time
when we can show accessories best.
They are more visible
than under a winter coat.
Sunglasses can be worn
for the whole year long, of course.
And the earrings?
I love to wear them every day 🙂
For the styling with top and skirt
by MADAME brand
I chose the earrings
made with soutache technique.
Beautiful red with gold
enchanted me totally 🙂
They were made by Małgosia Muchowska 🙂
from Bzzzdet brand 🙂
Małgosia is a woman of golden heart 🙂
She often gives money she gets for her jewelry
to charity actions 🙂
She is thinking not only about people in need
but she also loves animals 🙂
She raises funds for sick cats for example.
Isn’t it pure altruism?
We should follow her example.
Please, order jewelry from Małgosia.
You will not only have beautiful decorations
but you will also help someone in need 🙂
Red is also the color of the purse
made of an old sail.
You already know purses
of Paulinka Barałkiewicz 🙂
This is SEASHOPPER brand 🙂
Purses are ecological, what is extremely important
in modern world.
We, people, should not only appreciate our food
but also give second life to clothes.
All makeovers are very trendy now 🙂
Paulinka understands it well 🙂
The purse has also a handle
made of rope and ecological leather 🙂
So it is vegan 🙂
I invite you to buy those precious,
comfortable and beautiful purses 🙂
Shoes of ecological leather are very comfortable 🙂
They are fastened with a narrow strip.
They have thick sole
and they are sewn, not glued.
They’re finished as good as
widely known Martens 🙂
And they were made in Poland 🙂
It’s Steady’s brand 🙂
What else can I tell about accessories
for the summer styling? 🙂
Perhaps the fact that they’re universal 🙂
My dear ones, don’t forget about accessories
also in winter.
They will always give perfect finish
to our stylings 🙂
Photos made by
Matylda Szafrańska 🙂
Beautiful area in which they were made
is the garden of
Museum of Środa Region Koszuty Palace 🙂
You must visit this place 🙂
In the palace’s garden
you can please your eyes and nose
with the look and smell
of beautiful plants 🙂
And the palace itself will gladden
your heart and soul 🙂