Accessories whirled in colorful dance
and the colors settled on them 😉 😀
That’s how the styling
colorful parade of colors
with the blouse from Duet Rad was made 🙂
Now a few words about accessories in this outfit 🙂
Hairpins are still trendy 🙂
Mine sparkle with rainbow of colors 🙂
Decorate your hair with them, my dear ones 🙂
Such a hairstyle always looks interesting 🙂
Sunglasses with crystals
you have already seen many times.
I like them very much
so I put them on so often 🙂
Silver earrings with natural gem
have unique rough structure.
The jewellery with natural minerals
is being made by Poznań artist
Mister Michał Misterski.
I’m invting you
to Mr Michał’s studio
at Polna 40 in Poznań 🙂
You can also see the artist’s works at
It’s always worthy to invest in beautiful jewellery 🙂
Felt bags are Bertoni brand 🙂
I chose one to this styling.
The colors on the bag
mingle together
making me dizzy 🙂
Isn’t it true that colors make magic? 🙂
I am sure of it 😀
At Bertoni’s site
25% off ist still waiting for you
with MODOROTA password 🙂
Comfortable flip-flops make this styling complete 🙂
You can walk in them even to the end of the rainbow
which is visible in my outfit 🙂
Are you in love with colors either? 🙂
I can’t live without them 🙂
My soul is so colorful
that it comes outside
in my stylings 🙂
Photos made by
Piotr Stopyra 🙂
Help with session
my friend, Alla Kubitsa 🙂