A dress on the background or the background in the dress? 😉
That is the question 🙂
Because the dress perfectly fits in the surrounding 🙂
At the front it has a plant motif.
The color of the dress is off-white.
It’s made of linen.
Such dresses come from MADAME brand you already know 🙂
I will remind you that 5% off
is waiting for you at MADAME site
with MODOROTA password 🙂
The styling is a memory of summer.
I must add that we can wear such dresses
all the year long.
It’s enough to combine them
with a cardigan or a bomber jacket 🙂
The accessories I will describe in the next entry 🙂
Photos made by
Piotr Stopyra 🙂
Help with session
my friend Alla Kubitsa 🙂
The leaves falling from the trees
make a carpet underneath my feet.
One golden leaf stuck to my temple.
The fall has announced its coming
with a cry of crows and chilly wind
among my hair.
Nature has changed.
Its cycle turned.
My life also returns like a boomerang.
Good moments mingle with grief.
A tear dropped onto my cheek.
A tear of sorrow but not despair.
I fell into the state of impotence.
But tomorrow there comes another day.
I’m telling myself that it is different, better.
I will give you my hand.
I know that you will hold it and not disdain it.
A circle, perfect figure.
The life making a circle is far from ideal.
You can only hear the crows cry outside.
And calling of the ones lost in St Vitus’s dance.
My dance is different, it’s unique.
I dance to the music of branches
knocking in the wind
and my heart.