
Accessories with royal accent

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Styling with royal lion needs royal accessories 😀 Red flatcap deserves such name I think 🙂 It’s made of delicate ecological leather Just perfect for fall aura. It can energize every outfit 😀 You don’t need to be afraid to wear red 🙂 If you don’t like to begin with clothes then choose a red …

Jacket with royal lion

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This is the jacket that enchanted me at the first sight 😀 I fount that wonder in Sopot at Fashion Market Square fair 🙂 www.fashionmarketsquare.pl And that’s how it happened 😀 Suddenly I heard: Oh, it’s Dorota Chyc 😀 I looked around and I didn’t believe my eyes: I saw Binka and Peri from UFOLOGY …

Black and white always trendy

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My dear Ladies 🙂 Black and white will always be trendy. I created a styling in that colors 🙂 White shirt should always have a place in our wardrobe. But we have to choose a quality one. Then it can be used for a long time and serve us to create various looks. I chose …

Sequins as shining of a silver flame

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A styling shined with a flame of sequins in the surrounding of forest nature 🙂 What is so shining? It’s a jacket covered with sequins 😀 It has black stripes at the sides. I love to create extraordinary outfits with it, just as this look 🙂 I combined it with a white blouse of ideal …